Thoughts from a Seasoned Dental Professional
Program Seven
Program Overview: After four decades of being asked for her ‘candid opinion’ on a wide range of subjects (both on and off stage),Jenny has created a unique 2-3 hour program to open a dialogue between speaker and audience on how dentistry is faring today –and what the future may hold.
Program 2-3 hours.
Jenny designed for dentists, spouses, & partners only
Ideal for a Dental Society Evening Program
Program Focus
“In My Opinion”
Dentistry as a profession
Profile of a dentist
Medical v dental
Women in dentistry
Dental schools
CE & healthcare
CE outside healthcare
Internet, websites, SEO
Stand out or join the crowd
Build a Team or Go It Alone
Solo practice-is it on its way out?
Multi-doctor practices
Group practices
Other avenues of practice to explore
Staff-embrace or is managing a chore?
Hiring & working with an associate
Leadership-provide it or?
Out-sourcing to financial advisors
Dental consulting services
Working with family
Taking stock of where I am!
Final year students
The New Dentist, the New Practice
Working as an associate
Practice Transition-moving on
Open a 2nd office & double profits?
Create the practice/life I want
Balancing life
Being a mentor
It’s Time to Practice Business
What dental school prepares you for
Planning, budgets, monitors & ‘stuff’’
3rd party role, networks & other decisions
Business responsibilites-do or delegate
Crisis management- preparation key
Create time to ‘run’ your business
Investment of time versus results
Monitors-working smart