Eliminate Communication
Confusion & Resistance!
Build on the Power of Persuasion
Program Six
Program Overview:
1. Dentists do not ‘sell’ they ‘educate’…until patients say Yes, the practice is not in business.
2. For patients to appreciate clinical expertise-Doctor/patient communication must excel
3. Staff can make or break a practice- staff training in communication skills is vital for practice growth.
4. Market your services with words/phrases to both represent your values & patient benefits
5. Ask for money unprofessionally can kill a practice’s reputation. Words & attitude matter
6. Running on time doesn’t happen by accident-time management is all about communication & control.
7. Build the dream team-pro-active communication is #1 skill doctor/staff need to work together
8. Associateships & making the right choice – essential all parties communicate their goals and needs.
9. Build relationships between GPs & specialists – refine lines of communication so patients don’t get lost
10. Top salespeople work with pre-planned phrases & key words-a must for Doctor/Team to work as one
Promised Outcomes: Communication skills to handle/resolve issues raised in 10-point Program Overview.
Reviews: “I wanted to thank you how much I personally enjoyed your talk. It wasn’t so much what you said as it was the way you said it. You are one of the most interesting speakers I have ever listened to. I can certainly see how you motivate people. Thank you again for a most interesting day.”
– T.F. Opalka DDS – Kit Scott, staff Warren, Ohio
“Your ideas were talked about for days. Your vibrant personality & complete enthusiasm regarding your profession were obvious when addressing our Minneapolis ADPAC sponsored meeting. I still chuckle re some of your dental experiences. I wish every doctor & staff could listen to your words of wisdom.
Thank you for such a great program & your devotion to the dental profession.”
– Ellen Deist Mayclin Dental Studios, Minneapolis, MN
Program Focus
The Marriage of Marketing & Management
7-Step Communication Plan to take patients from Hello to Yes
Attracting new patients to contact your practice is EASY. Motivating them to make & keep the initial appointment requires superb telephone skills. Exam/Consultation successful outcomes hinge on Doctor/Team ability to communicate treatment benefits & the ROI of the cost.
Financial Communication
Learn to love discussing/collecting money! 5 Part Plan to increase cash flow
1. How are you marketing your fees?
2. Techniques & tools to bring collection telephone calls to a happy conclusion
3. Solutions to handle fees, financial options & Front Desk collections that deliver
4. Take control of patients with dental coverage. Key to bring Receivables under control
5. 11-point collection call system which puts you in the driver’s seat
Schedule by Design
Taking back control of your schedule – doesn’t happen by itself
If patients had their way, they would all come down after work/school-or Saturdays! Jenny’s specific approach for Scheduling by Design changes patients’ behavior so No Shows, CSN, late patients, become a thing of the past. Also, communication skills needed to reduce Confirmation calls, and taking control of Emergencies, fully covered.
Malpractice Prevention
Communication skills to protect all parties
4 Step process to terminate a relationship with an unhappy patient and retain practice goodwill.
Answers to patients who say: “I don’t want any x-rays!”, “I don’t want to give my SS#”, “I’ve gone elsewhere, forward my x-rays” ,“I want my emergency done in this office today”
HR – Build & Maintain a Supportive Team
The proactive communication approach to reduce turnover
1. Hiring Process: questions which disclose what each candidate brings to the table! From Ad to Commitment
2. Staff Meetings: most underutilized communication/management tool. 10 Golden rules for great outcomes
3. Performance Reviews: make a welcome & essential addition to staff management-enjoy the results
4. Doctor/Team member out of sync? “head in the sand approach” delays never resolves. Address & move on
Specialty Practices
Is a different language required?
Each specialty needs to build additional communication skills to acknowledge their specific clinical & management needs. Essential both GP & referring specialist practice use the same language.
Associates & Practice Transitions
4 strategies so decisions are more productive & long lasting
Whether being hired or doing the hiring-making the correct decision will deliver either traumatic or peaceful outcome. Jenny shares a range of her philosophies & communication skills to help all parties explore the best outcome for everyone.